A Bright Light gone from this world too soon


To know Molly was to love Molly and to be loved.  All who knew Molly in one way or another know she was one heckava woman. She was fiercely independent, creative, driven and lived with a “can do” attitude that drove her to have an eclectic career as an entrepreneur. Molly shared her gifts in many different ways, from her 2M Marketing and Design firm that she started at the young age of 19, to her functional health practice, SHIFT, which she began by default through all her learning in her own health and a natural bend towards helping others, to many more “side hustles.” Molly was eternally curious and saw the world as her sandbox with endless opportunities to create and serve.  Bored was absent from Molly’s vocabulary.

Molly was a red-headed, 2% special, Irish spitfire who was unapologetically different; confident, not arrogant, loving God with all her heart.  It was her mission in life to make sure every single person who crossed her path was seen, heard and loved.  She was able to see straight to the heart of each individual and invite up the best of them.   She treated everyone with kindness, love, respect and gave them a safe place to share.  With her magnetic, loving personality Molly drew people in, making friends from all over the world.

Molly left this Earth with one special ask of all of us. Please remember Molly with a kind word or kind deed for someone who needs you. Expect nothing in return. Choose to love one another every day. Speak it loud and speak it often. Show unconditional love in all that you do. Enjoy all this life has to offer. 

One of Molly’s dreams was to one day write a screenplay or a book.  God had other plans for her life and needed her up in Heaven earlier than any of us wanted, but her book has been written, in and through every life she touched.

This site is Molly’s memoir.  Let’s come together to weave her story that she wrote through the lives of all she touched.  

Please share your Molly memories, stories, wisdom and/or your lens of who Molly was for you in the time that you knew her.  Our hope is that together, we illuminate the Light that Molly so brightly shined in this world and collectively we can carry it forward.

Please check back in here and there as Molly’s memoir expands and allow the Light and Love poured into others’ shine onto you as you read her memoir. Share with those who may not even have known her so they can feel the love and be blessed. And, please continue to ripple out all Molly taught you. Keep it alive and play it forward ❤️.


Grief is unique. Like a fingerprint. It comes in waves. Grief can sneak up on you. Just when you thought you were almost through to the other side, another crashing wave comes and sucks you under the water line again and again leaving you sputtering and gasping for air. To then pop you back up once again into the Light for another glimpse of another day filled with endless possibilities.

There would be no grief if there was no love. Balance is a beautiful thing. And, when we see grief in its fullness from the perspective of love, there is gratitude. Why? Love always remains.

Natural transitions. We get to choose how bumpy they are. If things are meant to be said, say them now. Rushing to dying bedsides for absolution of the living’s guilt is an odd way to live this life, though so many do it. Treat people every day as if today is their last day. KLRS. No one is promised a tomorrow.

Molly Meier, 7/30/22