From the moment I came to Molly with all my pain points and my reservations, she calmly invited me to see the possibility of my own full life, full of love, peace, happiness, and a beautiful, strong marriage. She held space for what I could not yet see, rolled up her sleeves, and invited me to partner with her in walking toward a better life. When we started our work together, I thought I was headed for a divorce. I thought that my life had led to that point and my marriage was past repair. She invited me to try. To trust her.
I didn’t really trust anyone in the way I grew to trust Molly.
My life has had much pain, pain that I like to keep to myself for fear of exposing myself and reopening my wounds and exposing my weakness, my fraudulence, my ugly. Molly was not afraid of ugly. She looked me in the eyes and showed me acceptance and a type of love like no one person on this earth has before. She didn’t flinch when I told her my ugly, dirty thoughts and past. She saw, loved, and was always gentle in her own way and invited me to rise. Rise and rise again.
Molly was full of grace, kindness, and strength. She valued time spent with loved ones and putting in the effort to have a strong foundation in a marriage. She kindly showed me that one must continually water and tend to the garden that is my life.
Over the last three years, I grew to trust her and knew that she loved me for me, with no expectations. I would push her, fight her, resist her, and she was steady and never waivered, showing me unconditional love.
I grew to love Molly deeply. How can one not?! She became one of the most influential people in my life. I have had world-class mentors, coaches, parents, friends, five children, pastors, doctors, and therapists all bless my life and help me through a lot of pain, and NO ONE in my life has been Molly. Molly was a one-of-a-kind life changer.
Today I get what Molly came to teach me, that tomorrow is not just another day, that our days are numbered, and that now is a precious moment. Don’t let now go by without seeing that. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring.
Molly showed me that my health is wealth and that my people deserve me to be happy, and they deserve my love. I deserve to be happy and to do what lights me up every day, whether that is designing homes and hospitality spaces or picking my kids up from school.
Molly showed me that God loves me and that He also looks me in the eyes, sees my ugly, and holds out His hand—He is my Father.
Molly showed me that there is nothing more important in raising my children than introducing them to Jesus.
Molly showed me that it doesn’t matter where I live and that I don’t need to live in the most expensive state or picturesque place in the world. She taught me that what I need to do is, take a walk without headphones and notice God’s world, to pick up a simple leaf and feel its veins in my hand.
Molly walked alongside me as I reached my goal of being able to feel again after losing my son, to feel how amazing it is when I see my daughter run, and to embrace the happy tears when I am watching a movie, or I see a sunset.
Molly invited me to see that woman she met in a cave in Morocco, who lived on the dirt and had a ton of kids and not two dimes to rub together was full of life and so happy.
From day one, Molly was trying to show me. Life. Is. Precious. I see it more now that she is gone; all her life lessons, all she came to teach me; I SEE IT NOW!
I profoundly mourn Molly’s death on this Earth and never want to forget what she taught me. I have moments of worry about not having her here to guide me if life gets bumpy again, but I know exactly what to do now because of what she taught me; take it to God. It is what Molly would want.
Molly, find my boy in Heaven. Tell him I love him.
In honoring Molly’s life, I won’t forget my foundations. I will walk in the first morning light, I will practice gratitude, and I will not stop dancing through life. I will keep going because Molly showed me a different way to be; calm, respectful, and strong.
I am so eternally grateful, Molly. Thank you for touching my life and leaving your fingerprints all over it. I love you. I will see you again and cannot wait for a hug and to hear your voice again say, “Hello, Emily.”
~ Emily

“Not everybody has a redhead who randomly texts you to put a smile on your face.”
“Today is a brand-new day filled with endless possibilities.”
“Too blessed to be stressed.”
“Perfect is an illusion.”
“Overwhelm is a choice.”
“Take a dose of patience.”
“Shut down all the added stress/noise to get through the maze.”
These are all Molly’s words, words I will live by for the rest of my life.
I never thought I would be writing about Molly in the past tense, I thought she would be in my life forever, my redheaded angel as I called her. She was not like anyone else I have ever worked with, she was thorough to a fault, always one step ahead and oh so wise in every way. She was everything, all good, all love, wrapped into one beautiful package. She touched you deep in your soul. I can’t process her death, as much as I knew she meant to me, it is exponentially more.
She frequently sent me songs, one of which was by Tedeschi Trucks Band, Midnight in Harlem. I got to see them in a concert a week or so ago. It is a beautiful song, one of my favorites, Molly did not know that when she sent it to me. It will always remind me of Molly, especially the line in the chorus “Free your heart” I am forever grateful our paths crossed, and I had the opportunity to have Molly in my life. I am so blessed.
Molly, I will continue your legacy of love and patience as I work with clients, keeping your spirit alive.
Love always and forever,

In the book of Molly, there will be many chapters added from my family alone. I’ve waited to contribute because I couldn’t quite figure out how to write just once all she was to us. So, little snippets it shall be! I’ll start with the biggest thing I learned from Molly. It’s safe to love. It’s okay to be who you are, unapologetically. Old stories are just that, old. There was something about her that let you just be who you are around Molly. There was never any judgement, but rather a commitment to loving kindness as an expectation. And she made all of us better because of it. I remember one particular time I was walking on the Virginia Beach boardwalk and I was about to send her another epic sunrise. She would say, every morning was beautiful. I would say this particular morning was even more beautiful 😉 . My heart broke wide open and I felt the love of the father fully and completely as I am. Her and her “go pro camera” – she just knew. She prayed. She loved. So so much. She reminded us all that we are loved, always. Forever grateful for your shining light, my friend. My days aren’t the same without you. Even when the grief is overwhelming I dig deep to find that shining light of hope. Thank you for shining the light. 💜 ~ Arielle Larmondra

My Aunt Molly was an exquisite person to say the least. Boy, in every aspect of her life was she dedicated, fiercely independent, unique, and entirely intellectually curious. She did things her own way and blazed her own trail. Her focus in life was learning, exploration, and ultimately helping others. She was a second mom to me who always put others before herself. She was so selfless, to the point that anyone who encountered her recognized this immediately, as this isn’t familiar to most. Even in her last days here on Earth she was more concerned with what was happening in my life rather than herself. I’m thankful for the time I got to spend with her here on earth and the impact she made on people internationally. I aspire to think like her and have the heart she had. Many people called her “WonderWoman” because of the impact she had on others. It is shocking at how much more I have learned about her in the short time she has been gone, she kept everything in her life separate, which is why she was a place of peace like Switzerland.
Before she passed I asked her:
“What do you think living life right is?”
And she said:
“ To be humble and kind. Put God first. Create relationships that are genuine and non-transactional – not doing things so people will do things for you. Be genuine, authentic and real. Always show kindness, love, respect and give each and every person a safe place to share whatever they need to share. Always.”
I couldn’t agree more. So simple, yet so important.
Even though you’re not here anymore, your legacy will continue. You’ll be dearly missed my Aunt Molly. 🤍 RIP.
~ Caitlin Fleming

I only knew Molly through FB and the study of FDN, yet her positivity and intelligence had a great impact on me. We also shared a very close birthday and always managed to say HB! We shared an Irish commonality as well. I reached out to her once regarding a health issue and she was quickly generous with her knowledge and offer to help. In one exchange, I made a comment, if she was ever bored, (meaning had a few extra minutes) I’d love her opinion on a matter. She quickly replied, she’d never been bored a day in her life. I thoroughly believed her! Molly’s FB messages were deeply caring to all of us. She seemed to have this sense of omnipotence and magnanimous level of emotional intelligence. I was shocked and saddened to learn of her passing. I too hope to write a book and a screenplay. Yet, somehow, I believe her dreams were also that of being a channel of love in this world which she greatly achieved. Angel Molly, I am sure they have you on one very important mission…Thank you for sharing your light. ~Slainte

Our functional wellness community suffered a great loss. I worked with Molly for 6 months and a bit after, during a particularly difficult time. She always made me feel special, instilled the importance of faith, gratitude and compassion. She would always say I have special gifts, and to use them to help others. I’m taking her advice and using my gifts to make the world a better, place. No more old stories, I’m trying to make room for the new and beautiful, just like Molly told me to do. You’ll be missed Molly and since we share the same birthday, I’ll always remember you. 💗 ~Daniela Petrilli

I just found out about Molly this week (6/19/2023). I felt that familiar pain of when someone special is taken seemingly too early, but I know that God’s plan is so much greater than ours. Molly and I met several years ago and became friends. She was always kind and positive in life and I was blessed to hang out with her a few times. I will miss her. She may not be here…but she is not gone. ~ Dalton Mullins

I reached out to Molly several years ago, when I was feeling stuck. My business felt like it was at a standstill, my relationships needed work, and I had some health challenges that I couldn’t seem to pinpoint on my own. Truthfully, I wanted someone else to take the wheel. My colleagues sang her praises, but I wasn’t quite ready to jump in and do “the work”. She checked in with me often (as Molly does) and a year later, we began our work together.
I’m not quite sure what I expected, but what I got was life-changing. She was like the mother and teacher I never had. Someone to cheer me on, push me out of my comfort zone, fight for me and help me see what my unique gifts are, so I can share them with the world. She showed me how to find compassion for others, learn to forgive, ‘let go and let God’, live in the present moment, look for beauty around me, love myself and look past my imperfections, stand up for what’s important to me, but most of all, she showed me that there is nothing to fear. It saddens me to know that she’s no longer a text or Zoom call away, but I have faith that she’s watching over me, holding my hand as I navigate this rollercoaster called life.
Claudia P.

She’s helped me so much these past several years. I’ve always appreciated how stern and strict she could be, but yet, so kind and understanding at the same time. She was the motivation I needed to help get my life on a much better track physically AND emotionally. I can only image how many others whos life’s she’s impacted for the better as well. I know she’s in a much happier place now.
Thanks Molly.

Molly touched many of us in so many amazing ways. She was a unique and special soul. I don’t think I’ll ever meet anyone like her again, and I feel lucky to have met her.
A truly awe-inspiring, strong, and loving woman, all Molly wanted was for us to be kind, loving, forgiving, and compassionate. To “rise up” as she would often say. To “be love”.
Molly pushed me in many ways when we worked together, and at times this could be quite uncomfortable, but one thing was for sure: she only had the “greater good”, (as she’d also always say) as her guiding force. She helped me through some very challenging times. She also helped my daughter through a bout of severe anxiety. My mother and cousin were also touched by Molly’s love and compassion and desire to help others. I’m glad our family has a little Molly in us forevermore.
Molly passed on my birthday and now, every year for the rest of my life, I will think of Molly on my birthday and allow that day to be a reminder of her teachings and a reminder to live my life as compassionately, forgivingly, kindly, and lovingly as I can.
Gone but never forgotten.
Tara xo

How is it that for someone I have never met in person, that her passing could feel like such a profound loss to me? I am sure as with many, that in its infancy our relationship was professional- but it quickly grew into a warm and comfortable space that was special to me. I could share things that had nothing to do with my health, and Molly was always understanding, generous and encouraging. I am very glad that there were times I caused her to laugh so heartily (apparently my New York demeanor was hilarious to her 😉
Despite her presence missing from this world, our family loves her no less.
Rejoice in peace, dear friend and we will see you when we get there.
Love, The Pesce Family

I had a friend who was extremely sick. She had spent so much time and money on tests and doctors and no one was helping her. She was losing her brain function and I asked Molly to talk to her and see if she could help. This friend was unfortunately not able to follow through on getting help and I don’t know what happened to her. She didn’t answer her phone and her social media is not up to date. But Molly wanted to help and they had a call or two until communication just ceased on my friends side. Molly called me to ask if I had heard from her. I told her I was afraid it might be too late and Molly said “It may be too late for life but I can help her find peace with death if that’s what is next for her.” I was touched by the honesty and real approach she was taking to trying the help a complete stranger who never gave her a dime. A true Angel on earth. ~ Carmen

My memory of Molly, and there are more:
I remember how Molly said” As long as there is breath, there is hope.” And then there was another FB conversation where I mentioned shifting more business from NYC to CT. Her response included: “Shift. One of my favorite words. Sending you a big Texas hug.” And always the positive in her own adversity with the ice storm in Texas : “But the sun is out today. And forward we go.” And after my accident: “Copper toxicity can include copper deficiency. Blood and HTMA can tell us more. I will still buy you a Starbucks.😊” Molly, you were an angel amongst us earthlings. You had our back everyday, you made our sun shine with your steadfast, kind, and loving heart. May you now soar and fly even higher. I know you will be keeping an eye on us down here 😀💜, Rika

When I think of Molly I will forever think of her bold confidence, how proud she was of being a 2% special, Irish red-head who always had a smile and a twinkle in her eye, and how she fiercely loved people. Molly loved everyone. She was able to see straight to the heart of every human and see the innate desire in each person for unconditional love. She would say she was just a conduit, the driver of the van for God and a bridge to help others find freedom in knowing they are unconditionally loved without waver or falter. She stood strong, often in the line of fire, so others would feel God with skin on. And my goodness was Molly creative in the ways she helped people. She would get really quiet in the early morning hours before the rest of the world was awake and listen for God’s guidance and then scribble what she heard out on her yellow legal pads with her handwriting even she would have trouble reading and she would obey. She would do what was asked of her to help God’s people.
I came to Molly years ago as a functional health client. I do what she did and I needed my own guidance and help. I received so much more than my own coach in Molly. She was a one-stop-shop helping me with anything and everything from my marriage to my relationship with God to parenting and even leaks in our bathroom or gift ideas. Molly loved the puzzle, loved the challenge, and lived with a “can do” attitude and if she did not know something, she would learn it. She modeled for me in her confidence, her tenacity, her eternal curiosity and taught me to slow down, to think, to challenge, and to never say never. Over the years we shifted from coach to mentor to friend, developing this all-encompassing relationship that was not even definable. It was just Molly. I trusted her explicitly and when she recommended something, I did it, as off-the-wall crazy as it sometimes appeared and it would always work out one way or another. I can hear her reply when I would stand in awe at the outcome. “Patience, Jen. Trust. Up ahead and down around the bend.”
Molly transformed my life in every way and taught me what it is to live with God at the top, to show kindness, love, respect and give everyone a safe place to share and how to serve God and greater good in all I do. With Molly, I found my voice and my confidence and learned to fully trust God and His plans over my own. As hard as her passing is, I stand today trusting God in even this and trusting that His plans are always higher than ours. Molly showed me that.
My Starbucks Pike roast, black coffee drinking, firefly chasing, Kingdom building, Love-is-all-there-is, born-age-30-as -an-old-soul, dear friend is and will forever be missed. I will miss our marathon texting sessions where I would tease her she must type with two hands and two feet because she was always multi-tasking and running ten conversations at once. “Typos at no extra charge!” “If I did not have to sleep I could start ten more businesses! There are endless possibilities.” I will miss her fervent reminders to trust, use my sand wisely, never say never, be different, have patience, be bold, use KLRS, seek endless possibilities, and have a “yes I can” attitude but all of those are now IN me and part of who I am.
Molly may be gone from this Earth but she is never far away. She lives on in all who knew her. Her greatest desire was for us all to know Love and BE Love. Let’s collectively ripple that out into this world and honor a life lived with at full volume with God at the top.
One of my many, many bits of Molly wisdom I recorded is as follows:
“The more we realize that we are not in control, the more we let go and the more we can hear. The more we can hear, the more we rise. The more we rise, the more we can hear. The more we hear, the more we can feel. There is beauty in all of it. Love, pain, struggle, joy. One cannot feel one without the other.”
Every time I see a red bird, a red flower, a red sunset I will pause and think of you, Miss 2% Special, one of a kind, Molly. I love you and you had better follow through on your promise to find me in Heaven and give me that hug! I will be doing my own Kingdom building with my own unique gifts that are now uncovered and amplified thanks to our work together and will, as you said, be carrying some of your sand in mine until it is my turn to go Home.
Until we meet again, my dear friend. XO, Jen

Molly was one of a kind, that strong willed Irish Red-Headed woman that was an amazing entrepreneur. I have so many memoreis of our time working together as well as helping my family through some health issues, (especially when I lost a patch of hair in the back of my head), she was able to get to the root cause of what was happening and before I knew it my hair was back and fuller than ever. We built amazing websites together and were a great team. I am going to miss just sending you random texts about my kids, the dog and of course “Sally”. Keep on watching us from above! Love and miss you ~ KK